#p <nat>Judean<o>king<n>Jehoiakim<ac>609<d>598 Dec<info>appointed by Nebuchdnezzar
#p <nat>Judean<o>king<n>Jehoiachin<fa>Jehoiakim<b>616<ac>598 Dec<d>597 Mar 16
#p <nat>Judean<o>king<n>Zedekiah<aka>Mattaniah<b>618(1)<ac>597 Apr<depo>586<d>570(10)<info>appointed by Nebuchdnezzar
Josiah's son, Jehoahaz, replaced by Egyptian after three months with Jehoiakim (another son of Josiah) as a vassal king<ref>2 Ki 23:34-35
In 605 B.C. : Jehoiakim, changed his loyalty to the Babylonians; 601, back to the Egyptians (2 Ki 24:1)
Jehoiakim rebels against Babylonia<d>598
In December of 598 Babylonia made an attack on Jerusalem leading to Jehoiakim's death and the surrender of the city by his successor, Jehoiachin, in March of 597
Jehoiachin succeeds his father Jehoiakim<d>598
Jehoiachin and his officials deported to Babylon<d>597
Nebuchadnezzar, replaced Jehoiachin after only three months of reign, deported him and 10,000 other leaders from the city, looted the city, and placed Zedekiah Judah's vassal king (cf. 2 Ki 24:12-16)
Zedekiah was convinced by Egypt to revolt with a coalition of other states (Tyre and Ammon) against Babylon in 588 B.C. and Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem in 586 B.C.
Zedekiah rebels against Babylon 587
Nebuchadnezzar deports most of the Jews to Babylon, and the remaining Jews flee to Egypt<ref>2 Chron 36: 11-21<d>586